TeamTasewa's Expense Tracker - Version 1

Planning is a must if we want to succeed in life, and that is what our expense tracker aims for. Inspired by the words of Alexander Graham bell, we decided to plan out the details of our application. 

The goal of this blog post is to give a detailed view of the features of the Expense tracker application. 

In any application, a good interface can determine whether or not it will be great; after all the user needs to feel comfortable when using it. Hence our first objective was to develop a blueprint for the UI. 

Here is a brief explanation of the flowchart:

  1. Welcome Page: When the user enters the application the first thing that they will notice is a stunning UI. It also has two options for login and signs up. 

  2. Login / Register: Here the user will log in using their credentials to access their account if they have already signed up, else they can fill the registration form, to create a new account.

  3. Dashboard: After logging in, the user will be able to view the dashboard. Here, the user can access any of the following:

    1. User Profile: The user can access their profile, make any changes if required, and also sign out.

    2. Income: The user can add, update, and view the income

    3. List of Expenses: The user can add, update, delete and view their expenses

    4. Balance: The balance will be updated automatically once the user deletes or adds the expenses and/or incomes. If the total expenses exceed 25% of the income, then the user will receive pop-up notifications indicating that their balance is low.

    5. View Stats/Graph: This feature will take us to a separate page where the expense tracking application will generate a report to show past Income-Expense via multiple graphs. 

We are planning on using HTML for the front-end and CSS along with a few bootstrap libraries for styling the pages. Thus, HTML, CSS and JS will be the technologies that we will be using for developing the front end.

For the backend, we can do either of the following:
    1) Use Local Storage or a List to store information.
    2) Use a database to store data. 
            If we decide to use a database for the backend, then we will use PostgreSQL.

Finally, to develop the View Graphs for our application we will be using a few of the existing libraries in JS such as chart.js.

Nothing becomes perfect overnight. After doing a SWOT analysis we've concluded that our application has a few drawbacks and so, here we are with the first attempt at a better version of our project. We are aiming to develop a more efficient expense tracker than other existing apps. We hope our project successfully replaces traditional methods like notes and excel sheets. The modules that we’ve presented here will be developed effectively and attractively.

Stay tuned for future versions!


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